JC Mysore India Coffee

JC MYSORE INDIAN COFFEE brand reputation is based on high principle of ethics , quality and reliability. Our crop is finely selected shade-grown ’mild’ coffees beans. India is the only country that grows all of its coffee under shade. Our bean is typically mild and not too acidic and possess an exotic full-bodied taste. ​

We care for the farmers who have spent generations mastering their craft to bring us coffee this good. Our growing conditions make it ideal for producing some of the world’s finest coffees. The coffee is naturally processed, hand-picked and hand-sorted to produce a high-quality coffee that has delicious notes.



India is one of the  large producer of coffee beans and we know that aspects such as micro climate, soil type, height and other environmental conditions give us advantages to produce excellent coffee beans; likewise,the harvesting and post harvest process are perfectly executed by the farmers to maintain a high quality coffee. These factors and benefit processes make a big difference in the cup, allowing us to identify the special notes and flavors in the coffee.


JC Mysore India Coffee produces and sells green  coffee. The only way we do business is the fair way, which means that everybody benefits. Starting at the coffee farmer to the consumer who enjoys his daily cup of the best that India has to offer. We are based in India and Taiwan, that means we are able to ship our excellent green coffee to anywhere in Asia or worldwide.


Our focus is on Indian coffee producers and to bring the best Indian green coffee beans to world, with our concept ‘Trust your farmer’ we connect the coffee roaster with a coffee producer in India. All the farmers we work with are small coffee producers that we help with education in the harvest and post-harvest where needed. We arrange cupping events, quality control, milling, the export and the import of all the coffee we have sourced. We try to find a roaster who is suited for that coffee, make a connection for a single harvest or even for a life time, or how we call it Trust your farmer.

"We work on getting closer than ever to our customers. So close that we tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."

Glimpse of Nandi and Mysore

Our logo,17th Century sculpture Nandi is the sacred bull calf, gatekeeper, and vehicle (vahana) of the Hindu god Shiva. Sculptures of Nandi are a common sight at Hindu temples dedicated to his master, and he is partly responsible for the Hindu reverence for living bulls even today in the Chamundi Hill, Mysore state (Now Karnataka). The worship of Shiva and Nandi can even be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization time-period. The famous ‘Pasupati Seal’ depicts a seated figure, which is usually identified as Shiva, and there were many bull-seals found in Mohenjo daro and Harappa in 2500 BCE

Mysore having sprawling coffee estates, King of Mysore keenly noted the important role of indigenous participation in coffee production in the region. Of the two naturally divided regions in Mysore—the “Malnad” or the hill country and the “Maidan” or the plains—the former, with extensive forests providing shade and a number of streams was extremely fertile and suitable for coffee makes JC Mysore India Coffee special.While a small portion of their farm was under coffee, they were growing betel nut, ginger, plantains and other fruits, turmeric, vegetables, yams cardamom oranges and spices at the same time. This unique cultivation style distinguishes Indian coffees from the rest of the world by adding the fruity, cardamom, pepper, butter and orange notes in cupping.