The Chemex is a glass coffee maker that uses a paper filter at the top to filter the water through the coffee. They are beautiful tools that look good while making a delicious cup of coffee.

One of the perks of using a  Chemex is the fact that it makes a good amount of coffee in every batch. You can make anywhere from 3 to 10 cups of coffee depending on how large of a Chemex you invest in.

If you’re using a Chemex to brew your coffee you’ll probably want to use a gooseneck kettle to heat and pour your water into controlling how quickly the water is poured.

How to Use a Chemex:

  1. Heat your water to around 205 degrees. You can do this by bringing it to a boil and then allowing it to sit off the heat for 30 seconds.
  2. Unfold the special Chemex filter and put it in the top of the coffee maker, ensuring the three-layered side of the filter is on the side of the pouring spout.
  3. Pour a bit of water around the filter to help it stay inside of the coffee maker and get rid of the paper taste. Discard the rinse water.
  4. Measure and grind your coffee beans to a slightly coarser than medium grind. Or just measure out your pre-ground coffee.
  5. Pour the coffee grounds into the filter and give it a shake to settle them.
  6. Pour your hot water over the coffee grounds in a sort of spiral pattern. Keep pouring until you’ve used the appropriate amount of water for your Chemex. If the water starts to reach the top of the coffee maker, stop and allow it to drain a bit before adding more.
  7. Once all of the water has drained through the filter, remove and discard it.
  8. Pour your coffee from your Chemex to your cup.

Using a Chemex is a simple and effective way to make coffee that looks pretty at the same time. It may take some figuring out to find the perfect amount of coffee for your tastes or to get just the right grind on your coffee, but once you have it down you won’t have any trouble using this method to make coffee.

Preparation Time: It should only take you about 3 and a half minutes to make coffee using a Chemex brewer. There may be a little additional time added in heating up the water and grinding the coffee, but it’s still a pretty quick cup of coffee.

Taste: Because of the specially made filters, you will end up with a richer tasting coffee than other drip brewers. You will have a nice delicious cup of coffee similar to what you can achieve from a french press without the silt left in the bottom.

Keyword; brewguide.;chemex.