This technique results in a product proportional to the amount of care you put into the brewing process which means the more you brew, the better your coffee gets.
It is made by brewing hand-dripped/pour-over coffee directly into ice, immediately cooling the concoction. This process also locks in the aromatics and entire spectrum of tasting notes that would have otherwise been lost in the cold brew procedure.

How to Make Japanese Iced :
Coffee: 22 grams
Grind size: Setting 3.5 on Handground (medium)
Water: 205 grams
Ice: 187 grams
Water-to-Coffee Ratio: 18:1
Brew time: 2:45
- Prewet the filter and dump out the water from the container.
- Add 187 grams of ice to the container
- Add coffee and pour 20-25 grams of water, fully wetting the grounds. Let steep for 30 seconds
- Pour in water up to 100 grams using a circular motion around the cone. Let the water line reside for about 20 seconds
- Pour remaining water (up to 205g) and let the coffee drain from the cone
2. Weak – 23:1 Ratio
Coffee: 20 grams
Grind size: Setting 2.5 on Handground (medium-fine)
Water: 185 grams
Ice: 285 grams
Water-to-Coffee Ratio: 23:1
Brew time: 2:00
- Pre-wet the coffee filter with about 100 grams of water
- Grind beans, add beans into rinsed filter.
- Add 20-25 grams of hot water (199F), allow coffee to bloom for 30 seconds.
- Add remaining water (up to 185 grams) of water so total weight is 285 g.
- Pour mix into another glass vessel.
3. Strong
Coffee: 18 grams
Grind size: Setting 3 on Handground (medium-fine)
Water: 225 grams
Ice: 75 grams
Water-to-Coffee Ratio: 17:1
Brew time: 2:45
- Pre-wet the cone with around 100 grams of water. Grind beans, add ground into rinsed filter.
- Add hot water (199f), allow coffee to bloom for 30 seconds.
- Add about 185 g of water so total weight is 285 g.
- Pour mix into another glass vessel.
4. Strongest- 10:1 Ratio
Coffee: 24 grams
Grind size: Setting 4 on Handground (medium)
Water: 230 grams
Ice: 200 grams
Water-to-Coffee Ratio: 10:1
Brew time: 2:30
- Prewet your filter, grind and dose.
- Fill a 16 oz. glass or decanter with ice.
- Bloom at 0:00 with 30-40 grams of water.
- At 0:30, begin pouring with small amounts (perhaps 50 grams with the initial pour, then 20-30 grams per pour after that).
- Add your final amount of water around 2:00, bringing the total water amount to 230 grams.
- Strain the coffee out of the decanter into a fresh 16 oz. glass (should be approximately 340 grams of liquid), and add ice to the top.
Keyword; brewguide.;japaneseiced.