The Moka Pot is essentially a stovetop version of an espresso machine. It uses pressure to produce a similarly strong resulting drink that will get you up and kicking in the morning no problem.

Moka Pots can brew multiple cups of coffee at once for you and all of your friends. It works by boiling water in the bottom chamber of the pot that is pushed up by pressure from steam through coffee grounds in the middle and finally into the very top chamber.

How to Use a Moka Pot:

  1. Separate the Moka Pot into its three chambers.
  2. Grind your coffee into a fairly coarse grind to keep the grounds from leaking into the coffee.
  3. Fill the bottom chamber of the Moka Pot with cold, filtered water. Don’t fill it past the safety valve.
  4. Fill the filter basket all the way full with coffee grounds. It has to be all the way full in order to brew properly.
  5. Put the Moka Pot back together.
  6. Place the Moka Pot on the stove and let it heat up until the water is boiling.
  7. When you hear a gurgling noise take the pot off of the heat. This is the sound of the coffee being forced up into the top chamber.
  8. Pour your coffee and enjoy!

These little stovetop devices are a good alternative to using an espresso machine with a comparable result in flavor. They may not be quite the same as the espresso you’re used to, but will still give you a strong coffee to get you through your day.

Preparation Time: From start to finish using a Moka Pot won’t take you more than 5 minutes. You won’t have to wait long for that shot of coffee you’ve been craving.

Taste: This is as close to an espresso shot as you can get without using an espresso machine. This coffee will be strong and sharp. If you find that your coffee is too weak then your grind is too coarse. If it ends up too bitter then your grind is too fine.

Keyword; brewguide.;moka pot.